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Save Yourselves! (2020)

Wise Rating  85%
Review Date: 2021

Concept: Taking a vacation from all the tech that they’re over-dependent on, a young couple stays at a cabin in the woods when the world suddenly gets invaded by aliens.

    • A charming, sometimes very funny comedy/sci-fi/apocalyptic thriller carried by a pair of charismatic and engaging actors.
    • This has somewhat of “A Quiet Place” vibe, lighter in tone but still with serious sci-fi underpinnings.
    • Although the couple itself is funny, the things happening to them and around them are not. The movie handles these tonal changes quite well.
    • The chemistry and authenticity of the actors playing the young 30-ish couple are what really holds the movie together.
    • The couple make a great comedy pairing, the woman reminding me a lot of Buster Keaton and the man of Harold Lloyd. They even look much like those classic silent actors.
    • Viewed on an Optoma HD28DSE projector, 92” screen, Hulu on Roku. No commercial break except at the very beginning, which is good. The movie looked great on the projector, but the streaming had some weird kickback about five times in which the movie would jump backward about 30 seconds, play really fast for a few seconds, and then jump forward to the part where it was before the kickback. I watched that movie on two different occasions and in two completely different locations, and the same thing happened. So it looks like a Hulu issue.
    • Not for kids.
A young couple staring in shock at something off screen

Save Yourselves! (2020) 85%